The Senate and Assembly both added money in their one-house budgets released earlier this week for Adult Literacy Education. The Senate essentially restored the $1.5 million added last year and the Assembly added $3 million.
In order to keep pressure on the Senate and Assembly to continue to fight for this funding, we are asking programs to tweet a thank you to the Senate and Assembly as well as to our Senate and Assembly champions for their support. In the Senate, the champion is Jessica Ramos and in the Assembly, the champions are Yuh-Line Niou, Ron Kim and Pat Fahy. Following are sample tweets and twitter handles of the targets. Also tweet @NYSA_Majority and don't forget to mention NYCCAL @NYCCAL, and use our state hashtag #LiteracyLiftsNY. Thank you @NYSenate for supporting Adult Literacy Education (ALE) in your one-house. We still need your support to help the 3.5 million New Yorkers (1/4 of our state's adult population) that need adult education. #LiteracyLiftsNY @NYCCAL Thank you <@insertmembername> for championing Adult Literacy Education (ALE) in your one-house budget and fighting for the 3.5 million New Yorkers (1/4 of our state's adult population) that need adult education. #LiteracyLiftsNY @NYCCAL Fill in with below names: @jessicaramos @rontkim @Patriciafahy109 @yuhline Feel free to come up with your own tweets as well.
February 2022